Friday, July 17, 2009

Most recent little thing, done in photoshop 7 with my cheap tablet :D This was prompted by a guild i recently joined, who wanted images of superheros for a banner of some sort. So this is my supervillain. Fun to play with the colors here, tried using a different color picker option than usual- the one that mixes warm and cool colors and has you choose your hue between them.

The little highlights were especially fun to do, because i was able to do so many of them! The highlight is most often the most rewarding part of a painting, so being able to do so many felt really fulfilling. Also, i haven't been able to do A: original work, nor B: traditional painting in a very long time, so working on this was a welcomed relief between all the graphic design comps i've been doing at my day job [my job allows for art-making and creativity, but nothing compares to the sweet aroma of linseed oil and the smooth feel of a large bright or flat down a newly primed canvas].

Maybe i'll begin to post more illustration. Maybe.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cooper Union

I got into Cooper Union! Okay, so this is a little late news because i got in early decision style. But hey, i haven't posted here in a while and thought that it was mention-worthy. :)

Working on a bunch of commissions right now- most of them nearly done because my entire spring break was spent collecting them, but now that free time is sparse i haven't been able to work as much as desired.

Recently i had an interview at a graphic design agency in NYC for [hopefully!] a summer internship! the interview went pretty well and the person who does hiring expressed that she thinks i have a good chance at getting into the productions department- which is video production, direction and camera work and happens to be my secondary major! That would be awesome sweetness to work at, so i'm crossing my fingers and praying to God that they'll accept my application!

Wish me luck! This just might be a major turning point for my career and life [seeing as if i get to work in NYC, it will be easier to continue my current romantic relationship, but if not........]

i'm itching to post current wips, but for now, here is my a video of random ridiculousness, freshly uploaded!

Watch CHAOS THEORY in Action & Adventure | View More Free Videos Online at

Monday, August 4, 2008


there is no such thing.

there is, however, successful and unsuccessful art- art being defined as anything that has been given a purpose as art.

successful art is that which successfully sends the messege intended by its creator.

unsuccessful art is that which fails to send the messege or sends a different, perhaps completely unrelated messege instead.

the final layer of thought that we use to critique/judge artwork (and the least reliable) is completely opinion; whether we personally like or dislike it.

while there is no "BAD art", it is valid to say that we dislike certain artwork or determine whether or not the artwork serves its intended purpose.

art is communication, expression, and opinion. take any of these away and the concept becomes warped and tainted.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

commissions with studies

i finished two of the previously mentioned commissions. the third i'm still working on. i increased the level of detail in one spot of it, so now i've got to increase levels across the board to make the image work. that's one difference between fine art and illustration. illustration needs perhaps more unity because the messeges being sent through are usually deliberate.

i've got a mosquito bite on my palm after being out till the wee morning hours last night.


i've been working more on my fine art, fine tuning skills and experimenting with the rembrandt school technique more. it's also the flemish technique- pretty much painting black and white for an underpainting, and then glazing the image with colors using the precreated shades beneath.

it's pretty simple and free feeling, because one doesn't have to worry about color when planning out the composition, and contrast is decided early so finishing the work is made easy.

not that i dislike color, color is my favorite element next to form

anyway, so i might post that.

and i might make a better overall post when i'm more awake, because i actually have a few things to rant about.

hopefully i can make a few more paintings before the summer ends.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Blog Created.

I have 3 current commissions.

One :: Character Design/Paintings
50 designs [or possibly more] full body in color for an ongoing graphic novel concept.

Two :: Graphic Novel Page
one sample page [pencilled, inked, and lettered] for an ongoing graphic novel concept. Possibly more in the future.

Three :: Character Portrait/Painting
a group shot of three characters from the waist up, colored.


I should get all of these done within the next three or so days.
With school beginning in August, it may become impossible to accept the continuation of "Two", which would be a long-term agreement to illustrate the entire graphic novel.
"Three" i have nearly completed, all that needs to be done now is some polishing up and checking of ethnic accuracy. Two of the characters are aboriginal, and this was my first experience drawing that particular ethnicity or any variations thereof.
Certainly a learning experience!